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The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

រៀបរៀងដោយ:Timothy Ferriss
ប្រភេទ:PDF Book
តម្លៃ: Free


Is lifestyle design for you? Chances are good that it is. Here are some of the most common doubts and fears that people have before taking the leap and joining the New Rich:

Do I have to quit or hate my job? Do I have to be a risk-taker?

No on all three counts. From using Jedi mind tricks to disappear from the office to designing businesses that finance your lifestyle, there are paths for every comfort level. How does a Fortune 500 employee explore the hidden jewels of China for a month and use technology to cover his tracks? How do you create a hands-off business that generates $80K per month with no management? It’s all here.

Do I have to be a single twenty-something?

Not at all. This book is for anyone who is sick of the deferred-life plan and wants to live life large instead of postpone it. Case studies range from a Lamborghini-driving 21-year-old to a single mother who traveled the world for five months with her two children. If you’re sick of the standard menu of options and prepared to enter a world of infinite options, this book is for you.

Do I have to travel? I just want more time.

No. It’s just one option. The objective is to create freedom of time and place and use both however you want.

Do I need to be born rich?

No. My parents have never made more than $50,000 per year combined, and I’ve worked since age 14. I’m no Rockefeller and you needn’t be either.

Do I need to be an Ivy League graduate?

Nope. Most of the role models in this book didn’t go to the Harvards of the world, and some are dropouts. Top academic institutions are wonderful, but there are unrecognized benefits to not coming out of one. Grads from top schools are funneled into high-income 80-hour-per-week jobs, and 15–30 years of soul-crushing work has been accepted as the default path. How do I know? I’ve been there and seen the destruction. This book reverses it.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. —MARK TWAIN

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. —OSCAR WILDE, Irish dramatist and novelist

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  • ទំនាក់ទំនងបន្ថែម: 012 818 525 / 081 85 02 86



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