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Hokheng Hou


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2017-10-28 12:50

Static Route to Provide Network Connectivity between each PC

#Tages: StaticRouteVlanTelnetConnectivity

This lab is focusing on basic Static Route, Vlan, Telnet, used to connect all network together in order to provide network connectivity between each PC (r...

2017-10-25 12:27

Connection between each PC within the same vlan but different switches

#Tages: VlanTrunkSwitch

This lab is talking about how to arrange connection between each PC within the same Vlan but different Switches. Refer Lab scenario:


2017-10-15 23:42

Ethernet Cabling Type (Straight-through cable, Crossover cable, Rolled cable)

#Tages: EthernetCablingType

Ethernet cabling has three type:

1. Straight-through cable
2. Crossover cable
3. Rol...

2017-10-15 01:52

Telnet to Cisco switch via console and lan cable.

#Tages: Telnet

The requirement of the LAB defined as below:

1. To manage Switch from PC-C via Console cable.
2. PC-A & PC-B can ping each other...

About Hokheng Hou

Question: 27

Article: 14



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